Table of Contents
The bookstore web app example may be found in the distribution under the webapps directory. It illustrates how to build a simple shoping cart.
Before building the sample web application, be sure to build the presentingxml project. From the command prompt in the top level presentingxml directory, enter build. See the "Getting Started" section of the on-line Guide for instructions on building the sample web application.
Table of Contents
Console app examples may be found in the distribution under the consoleapp directory.
Before running the sample console applications, be sure to build the presentingxml project. From the command prompt in the top level presentingxml directory, enter build.
This example shows an implementation of the SAX Pipeline example in Michael Kay's XSLT Programmer's Reference book, Appendix F, Example 5. The conversion may be performed on the command line by entering
java -jar dir/presentingxml.jar -o original.html -r resources.xml pipeline
<px:resources xmlns:px=""> <px:page name="pipeline"> <px:show> <px:transform> <px:systemContent href="documents/mixed-up.xml"/> <px:saxFilter className="PreFilter"/> <px:style href="styles/filter.xsl"/> <px:saxFilter className="PostFilter"/> </px:transform> </px:show> </px:page> </px:resources>
PreFilter and PostFilter are the names of Java classes that implement the org.xml.sax.XMLFilter interface.
The example below illustrates how to prepare a resources script that will convert a flat file to XML. The resulting stream of XML elements is validated with Sun's multi schema validator. The conversion may be performed on the command line by entering
java -jar dir/presentingxml.jar -o countries.xml -r resources.xml countries
<px:resources xmlns:px="" xmlns:myapp="" ns=""> <px:page name="countries"> <px:show> <px:transform> <px:msvFilter schema="data/countries.xsd"/> <px:content ref="myapp:countries"/> </px:transform> </px:show> </px:page> <px:flatFileContent name="countries" href="data/countries.csv"> <px:fileLayout> <px:commentSymbol value="#"/> <px:record> <px:fieldDelimiter value=","/> <px:field name="code"/> <px:field name="name" quote="yes"/> </px:record> </px:fileLayout> <px:recordSetMapping> <countries> <px:recordMapping> <country> <px:fieldAttributeMap field="code" attribute="countryCode"/> <px:fieldElementMap field="name" element="countryName"/> </country> </px:recordMapping> </countries> </px:recordSetMapping> </px:flatFileContent> </px:resources>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""> <xsd:element name="countries" type="CountriesType"/> <xsd:complexType name="CountriesType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="country" type="CountryType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="CountryType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="countryName" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="countryCode" type="CountryCode"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:simpleType name='CountryCode'> <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'> <xsd:length value='3' fixed='true'/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:schema>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <countries> <country countryCode="ATF"> <countryName>FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES, D.R. OF</countryName> </country> <country countryCode="VUT"> <countryName>VANUATU</countryName> </country> <country countryCode="WLF"> <countryName>WALLIS & FUTUNA ISLANDS</countryName> </country> </countries>
The example below illustrates how to prepare a resources script that will convert a Java properties file to XML. The conversion may be performed on the command line by entering
java -jar dir/presentingxml.jar -o messages.xml -r resources.xml messages
<px:resources xmlns:px="" xmlns:myapp="" ns=""> <px:page name="messages"> <px:show> <px:transform> <px:content ref="myapp:messages"/> </px:transform> </px:show> </px:page> <px:flatFileContent name="messages" href="data/"> <px:fileLayout> <px:commentSymbol value="#"/> <px:record> <px:fieldDelimiter value="="/> <px:field name="name"/> <px:field name="value" quote="yes"/> </px:record> </px:fileLayout> <px:recordSetMapping> <messages> <px:recordMapping> <px:fieldElementMap field="value" element="{name}"/> </px:recordMapping> </messages> </px:recordSetMapping> </px:flatFileContent> </px:resources>
parser.ope.2=')' or '-[' or '+[' or '&[' is expected. parser.descape.1=Invalid Unicode hex notation.
The example below illustrates how to prepare a resources script that will convert an XML document into a positional flat file. The conversion may be performed on the command line by entering
java -jar dir/presentingxml.jar -o books.txt -r resources.xml books-txt
<px:resources xmlns:px="" xmlns:myapp="" ns=""> <px:page name="books-txt"> <px:show> <px:flatFileSerializer> <px:fileLayout ref="myapp:booksFileLayout"/> <px:recordSetMapping ref="myapp:booksFileMapping"/> </px:flatFileSerializer> <px:transform> <px:systemContent href="data/books.xml"/> </px:transform> </px:show> </px:page> <px:fileLayout name="booksFileLayout"> <px:record> <px:field name="category" width="1"/> <px:field name="author" width="30"/> <px:field name="title" width="30"/> <px:field name="price" width="10" justify="right"/> </px:record> </px:fileLayout> <px:recordSetMapping name="booksFileMapping"> <myapp:books> <px:recordMapping> <myapp:book> <px:fieldElementMap field="title" element="myapp:title"/> <px:fieldAttributeMap field="category" attribute="categoryCode"/> <px:fieldElementMap field="author" element="myapp:author"/> <px:fieldElementMap field="price" element="myapp:price"/> </myapp:book> </px:recordMapping> </myapp:books> </px:recordSetMapping> </px:resources>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <myapp:books xmlns:myapp=""> <myapp:book categoryCode="F"> <myapp:title>Factotum</myapp:title> <myapp:author>Charles Bukowski</myapp:author> <myapp:price>22.95</myapp:price> </myapp:book> <myapp:book categoryCode="C"> <myapp:title>Building Parsers with Java</myapp:title> <myapp:author>Steven John Metsker</myapp:author> <myapp:price>39.95</myapp:price> </myapp:book> </myapp:books>
The example below illustrates how to prepare a resources script that will convert the results of SQL query into an XML document.
The java run time needs to be able to find the database driver. The sample in the consoleapp/sql directory is set up for the Oracle driver, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver. To configure Presenting XML to recognize this driver, copy the Oracle classes12.jar file (not distributed) to the presentingxml/lib/local directory. Of course, you can specify a different driver, making the appropriate changes in the sample resources script and copying the right jar file to presentingxml/lib/local.
Once you have everything configured, rebuild the Presenting XML jar file in the presentingxml directory.
The SQL to XML conversion may then be performed on the command line by entering
java -jar dir/presentingxml.jar -o employees.txt -r resources.xml employees job=ANALYST
<px:resources xmlns:px="" xmlns:myapp="" ns=""> <px:page name="employees"> <px:parameter ns="" name="job"/> <px:show> <px:content ref="myapp:employees"/> </px:show> </px:page> <px:jdbcConnectionPool name="jdbc-pool" driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" databaseURL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" user="scott" password="dev" minConnections="2" testStatement="SELECT * FROM DUAL"/> <px:sqlContent name="employees"> <px:jdbcConnectionPool ref="myapp:jdbc-pool"/> <px:sqlQuery> SELECT EMPNO, ENAME AS NAME,JOB FROM EMP WHERE JOB = '{$job}' </px:sqlQuery> <px:recordSetMapping> <employees> <px:recordMapping> <employee> <px:fieldAttributeMap field="EMPNO" attribute="employee-no"/> <px:fieldElementMap field="NAME" element="name"/> <px:fieldElementMap field="JOB" element="job"/> </employee> </px:recordMapping> </employees> </px:recordSetMapping> </px:sqlContent> </px:resources>
The example below illustrates how to prepare a resources script that will transform an XML document to XSL-FO, format it to PDF, and send the result as an attachment in a mail message.
This example requires the mail module.
Once you have everything configured, rebuild the Presenting XML jar file in the presentingxml directory.
The XML to mail message conversion may then be performed on the command line by entering
java -jar dir/presentingxml.jar -o output/pulp.pdf -r resources.xml
<px:resources xmlns:px="" xmlns:myapp="" ns=""> <!-- Set up this mail account, substituting your sntp host, display name, and email address --> <!-- You will also need to enter the 'to' and 'cc' recipient addresses in the px:sendMail element --> <px:mailAccount name="myMailAccount" smtpHost="changeme"> <px:sender displayName="changeme" emailAddress="changeme"/> </px:mailAccount> <px:page name="pulp"> <!-- Our second action is to send an email with the pulp novel as an attachment --> <px:sendMail subject="test" to="changeme" cc="changeme"> <px:mailAccount ref="myapp:myMailAccount"/> <px:message> <!-- Put some HTML in the message body --> <px:part> <px:transform> <px:style ref="myapp:welcome/html"/> </px:transform> </px:part> <px:attachment filename="pulp.pdf"> <px:fopSerializer/> <px:transform> <px:style ref="myapp:novel/fo"/> <px:content ref="myapp:pulp"/> </px:transform> </px:attachment> </px:message> <px:doFault> <!-- If send mail fails (e.g. no smtp host), just proceed with the next action --> <!-- (the error will still be logged) --> </px:doFault> </px:sendMail> <!-- Our second action is to write the pulp novel to a file --> <px:show> <px:fopSerializer/> <px:transform> <px:style ref="myapp:novel/fo"/> <px:content ref="myapp:pulp"/> </px:transform> </px:show> </px:page> <px:systemContent name="pulp" href="data/pulp.xml"/> <px:style name="novel/fo" href="data/novel.xsl"/> <px:style name="welcome/html" href="data/welcome.xsl"/> </px:resources>
The example below illustrates how to prepare a resources script that will merge elements from one XML file into another. This is accomplished through a stream filter and so is more efficient than performing an XSLT transform, especially for very large documents. The conversion may be performed on the command line by entering
java -jar dir/presentingxml.jar -o book-category.xml -r filter.xml books
<px:resources xmlns:px="" xmlns:myapp="" ns=""> <px:page name="books"> <px:show> <px:transform> <px:streamFilter> <px:input match="book"/> <px:variable ns="" name="category" value="{@category}"/> <px:appendChild> <px:transform> <px:streamFilter> <px:output match="category[@code=$category]"/> </px:streamFilter> <px:content ref="myapp:categories"/> </px:transform> </px:appendChild> </px:streamFilter> <px:systemContent href="documents/books.xml"/> </px:transform> </px:show> </px:page> <px:systemContent name="categories" href="documents/categories.xml"> <px:cachingOptions caching="yes" revalidate="none"/> </px:systemContent> </px:resources>
<books> <book category="S"> <title>Number, the Language of Science</title> <author>Danzig</author> <price>5.95</price> <quantity>3</quantity> </book> <book category="F"> <title>Factotum</title> <publisher>Black Sparrow Press</publisher> <author>Bukowski, Charles</author> <price>22.95</price> <quantity>5</quantity> </book> </books>
<categories> <category code="S" desc="Science"/> <category code="C" desc="Computing"/> <category code="X" desc="Crime"/> <category code="F" desc="Fiction"/> </categories>
<books> <book category="S"> <title>Number, the Language of Science</title> <author>Danzig</author> <price>5.95</price> <quantity>3</quantity> <category code="S" desc="Science"/> </book> <book category="F"> <title>Factotum</title> <publisher>Black Sparrow Press</publisher> <author>Bukowski, Charles</author> <price>22.95</price> <quantity>5</quantity> <category code="F" desc="Fiction"/> </book> </books>